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Miracles are for Today!


Many people today do not believe that miracles happen. Yeshua [Jesus] said "He that believeth on me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these shall he do:" John 14:12



I would like to share my miracle from God. In early April 2005 I discovered a black mole on my jaw line. Also, there was a place on my cheek that looked like a wart. I told my husband that if I could I would like to see a dermatologist. My husband called and made an appointment for April 16th, 2005. When I saw the doctor, he was most concerned with the place on my jaw. He did surgery on three places of my face for biopsies. He called me back in about two weeks to say he needed to see me on June 21st. He was going to have to do more surgery and may make a large hole on my jaw line. I was very upset and asked the church for prayer. I did not want to have more surgery. When I went back to the doctor, he could not believe what he saw. The spot on my cheek was a basil cell which could become cancer and the one on my jaw was more serious. BUT, it was all gone. He said it should not be healed yet. It was healed perfectly. He said God did it because he didn’t do it. When he did the biopsy, he cut off a part of the mole and thought he would go back to get the rest later. When they looked at the sample it was complete with new skin around it. Praise God. God healed me.




In 2002 my husband and I had discussed having another baby. I had previously had a tubal ligation so I would need surgery to become pregnant. After going to the doctor’s office we were told that our military insurance would not cover the operation. We searched the internet for doctors who would do the procedure and found that it would cost us at least $6000. That was just too much money, so we let it go for a while. In 2003, my husband had to deploy to Iraq for a year. We decided that we would look at our options again and try to get pregnant when he came home. We had moved from Ft. Leavenworth, KS to Ft. Campbell, KY so I was assigned a new doctor. I went in for an appointment to discuss this with her and she was open to helping me. She sent in a request to the same insurance and was denied. I had started going to church with some friends and prayed a lot about this. This church had no prayer line, and didn’t believe in the gifts of the Spirit. This was no place to get prayers answered, so I turned to my Bible, the 700 club, and other shows to try and build a relationship with God. I needed to know how to pray to get an answer. I knew that if I believed God’s word, anything was possible. I would have this baby! I spoke with my doctor about the next step and she told me that Walter Reed had done the procedures in the past. I asked her to please find out if they still do. His assistant called and a few minutes later came back in the room and told us yes they are still doing the surgery. This was the first of many doors God opened for me. The next thing I had to do was the required labs that Walter Reed had requested. My husband had to do labs also but was in Iraq and when Walter Reed found this out they did not want to do the surgery. Thank God my husband managed to come home on leave at just the right time. He had all his labs finished before he had to return to Iraq. The next step was picking up our results at the hospital. I was given mine but was not allowed to have my husband's. I had come too far to give up. I went straight to the troop medical clinic, and asked for my husband’s doctor, told him my situation, and he happily gave me the results. Another door opened. After all the forms were sent in to Walter Reed there was an issue with my husband's lab work. This could stop me from being selected for surgery. In early February, 2004 my husband came home and a few days later we got the call from a doctor at Walter Reed. He would do the surgery. We flew out and I had the procedure on the 24th. After trying for months and not becoming pregnant I went back to my doctor. She sent me for an HSG test. Dye was pushed through my fallopian tube to see if they were blocked, and they were. We were crushed! I started going to Tom’s church with my mom when I was home visiting and had Tom pray for me that my tubes would open. I went back to see my doctor and she made me an appointment to see a fertility specialist. God must have sent this man to me because he was a Christian and wanted me to know it! He did an outpatient surgery called a laparoscopy. I was pregnant two weeks later. Praise God! Every time a door closed for me, God opened another. Our baby boy is due the 26th of October 2005.


Bro. Praimroop Persaud's Deaf Son who was  granted a Creative Miricale from God.

Bro. Praimroop Persaud's

  Deaf Son who was granted a   

Creative Miracle from God.

While in Guyana, South America, I told brother and sister Persaud that when people bless a prophet they will receive a prophet’s blessing. I told them that because they were so gracious to us that G-d would bless their home, family, his business and would give their son a miracle healing for his ears. He had been deaf in both ears since an accident as a small boy. I think they told me he was two years old at the time of the accident. Their son is now 17 years old and has never talked or heard since the accident. I told them that the L-rd would have to create in their son’s ear the parts that they told me was missing. I prayed and we watched as our G-d created the parts in this young man’s ears. Praise be to G-d he now hears perfectly out of both ears and the first word out of his mouth was JESUS. He is now learning to form and speak words. For the first time in all those years of being deaf he sat in the front of the church on Sunday morning and could hear the music praising G-d.

Guyana Report


-  Miracles in Africa -

The Blind See

The Blind Now See!

The Deaf Hear

The Deaf Now Hear!

Miracles Happened

Miracles Happened!

Africa Report



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